Crew Boat 24m 1994
- Vessel Type: Crew Boat
- جديد/ مستعمل: مستعمل
- المصنع: italy
- الطول: 24
- الوحدة: متر
- Class: Local Maltese
- سنة الصنع: 1994
- Boat Material: فايبر
- المدرجة من قبل: الوكيل / الشركة المصنعة
- موقع: West Med
- Flag: MALTA
- رقم الاتصال: +8617724296691
- مرجع: 0326
- Listed: فبراير 4, 2024 8:58 ص
- Expires: 498 days, 17 hours
Length Overall (m) 24
Length Between Prep. (m)
Breadth (m) 6.3
Depth (m) 2.2
Machinery & Propulsion
Total Power Output (BHP) 450
Main Engine(s) 2 x Iveco Aifo Diesels
Main Propulsion System Twin Screw
Propellers 2
Speed Maximum (knots) 12
Speed Cruising (knots) 10
Cargo & Tank Capacities
Deck Cargo (tons)
Deck Area (m2)
Deck Load (tons/m2)
Fuel Tanks Capacity (m3) 12
Fresh Water Tanks Capacity (m3) 6
Ballast Tanks Capacity (m3)
Additional Information
Upgraded in 2015 in Malta
Laid up since 2021 but reported to be in working condition
Propeller: 2x 4 blades
Batteries: 24v with inverter
Generators: x 2
Water System:
Water Pressure System
Water Heating System
2x Water Maker
Bilge Pumps
Deck Wash
Fire Systems and Alarms
Plus Optional: 10,000L
Holding Tanks: 4,000L
Deck Equipment:
Anchors: 2x 200kg plus 150m chain
Enclosed side decks
Swimming platform
3x GPS
2x VHF
2x Radar
2x Chart Plotter
Domestic Equipment:
Washing Machine
Walk-in, commercial freezer 4mx2m
24 Berths
4 Separate toilets
4 Separate showers
7m x 7m dining space and galley
6m x 8m storage facility
All details are given in good faith and are believed to be accurate but no warranty of accuracy or completeness or suitability for purpose is either stated or implied. Prices are subject to change without notice.
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