Pilot Boat 12m 2015
- Vessel Type: Pilot Boat
- المصنع: / DENMARK
- الطول: 12
- الوحدة: متر
- GROSS / NET TONS: 4 / 1
- سنة الصنع: 2015
- المدرجة من قبل: الوكيل / الشركة المصنعة
- موقع: Norway
- المدينة: -
- الشارع: -
- رقم الاتصال: +86 17724296691
- مرجع: 0175
- Listed: مارس 17, 2021 3:31 م
- Expires: 1 day, 20 hours
Principle Dimensions
Length Overall (m) 12
Length Between Prep. (m)
Breadth (m) 3
Depth (m) 0.55
Draft (m) 1
NT (tons) 1
GT (tons) 4
Machinery & Propulsion
Total Power Output (BHP) N/A
Main Engine(s) 1 x Volvo Penta D6 330hk
Main Propulsion System
Auxiliary engine(s) 1 X 5 KW , DynaWatt
Speed Maximum (knots) 27
Speed Cruising (knots) 20
Additional Information
Length waterline: 10,7m
Displacement (full load): 6.400 kg
Propeller/s: Z-drive with duoprop
1 x bow thruster Craftsman 85kgf – 12V
Steering system: Hydraulic steering
Range: 260nm
Batteries: 12V, start + consume + thruster + radio
The boat is made of a combination of glass- and carbon fibre as sandwich construction with PVC as core material.
The fender is composed of rigid foam filled profile, covered with PUR, to guarantee maximum buoyancy. The fender has a D shape profile to increase the internal usable beam.
Composite deckhouse featuring seats for passengers and crew.
Both decks can be accessed from the cabin.
Removable deck sections to access bow thruster compartment and fuel tank.
Stowage for mooring equipment.
Railings and transfer ladders.
5 mooring bites.
Foldable mast.
Decks are self bailing.
Navigational lights.
Three mooring cleats.
Integrated composite approx. 350litre tank with hatch and filling protection.
Electronic fuel gauge for tank.
All fuel systems are pressure tested.
All electrical wiring in marine cable.
12-volt electrical system.
Windshield wiper with interval relay, standing position.
Internal light in cabin.
Work light, type LED.
Search light installed in front of cabin
Integrated 220V shore charge system, including 20m shore cable.
Inverter for 220V outlet in cabin
Main switches with separate battery systems for start,
navigation / consumption.
1 x 12 Chart plotters RayMarine E125
1 x Ray49E radio, 1x Ray218E radio with hailing horn
1 x closed 4 kw radome
Depth sounder
1 x Evolution autopilot
1 x Plastimo compass.
1 x Sailor VHF
Automatic and manual bilge pump system.
Fire extinguisher at helmsman station. SeaFire module in
engine room. 6 pax Zodiac liferaft.
All details are given in good faith and are believed to be accurate but no warranty of accuracy or completeness or suitability for purpose is either stated or implied. Prices are subject to change without notice.
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