Tug – Twin Screw 33m, 1980, 2820 BHP
- Vessel Type: Tug - Twin Screw
- المصنع: / UNITED KINGDOM
- الطول: 33
- الوحدة: متر
- Class: DNV GL
- GROSS / NET TONS: 366/ 109
- سنة الصنع: 1980
- المدرجة من قبل: الوكيل / الشركة المصنعة
- موقع: Europe
- رقم الاتصال: +86 17724296691
- مرجع: 0021
- Listed: يناير 24, 2022 6:19 م
- Expires: 1 day, 21 hours
Built Year & Place 1980 / UNITED KINGDOM
Hull Material Steel
Class Society and Notation DNV GL 100A5 Tug MC
Next DD 10/2021
Next SS 09/2023
Next Annual Survey 09/2021
Principle Dimensions
Length Overall (m) 33
Length Between Prep. (m)
Breadth (m) 9.75
Depth (m) 4.9
Draft (m) 4.7
NT (tons) 109
GT (tons) 366
Machinery & Propulsion
Total Power Output (BHP) 2820
Main Engine(s) 2 x Ruston 6RKCM
Main Propulsion System Twin screw
Auxiliary engine(s) 3 X 85 KW
Propellers 2
Speed Maximum (knots)
Speed Cruising (knots) 10
Cargo & Tank Capacities
Deck Cargo (tons)
Deck Area (m2) 40
Deck Load (tons/m2)
Fuel Tanks Capacity (m3) 154
Fresh Water Tanks Capacity (m3) 40
Ballast Tanks Capacity (m3) 87
Additional Information
GMDSS Trading Area A3 WW Trade
Bollard pull/ Date: 42.5 M/Tons – 27.05.2005
Consumption: 5 m3/hour
Type/Grade of Fuel: MGO
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