Workboat 14m 1985
- Vessel Type: Work boat
- جديد/ مستعمل: مستعمل
- المصنع: -/ SPAIN
- الطول: 14
- الوحدة: متر
- Class: Local Spanish
- سنة الصنع: 1985
- Boat Material: فُولاَذ
- المدرجة من قبل: الوكيل / الشركة المصنعة
- موقع: South Of Spain
- Flag: Spain
- رقم الاتصال: +8617724296691
- مرجع: 0309
- Listed: فبراير 14, 2024 7:58 ص
- Expires: 267 days, 4 hours
Next DD 06/2024
Next SS 06/2026
Next Annual Survey 06/2024
Principle Dimensions
Length Overall (m) 14
Length Between Prep. (m)
Breadth (m) 4.2
Draft (m) 1.67
GT (tons) 23
Machinery & Propulsion
Total Power Output (BHP) 562
Main Engine(s) 1 x
Additional Information
Deck area surface 8.50 m2
Deck area capacity 2.50 tn
Deck crane 2.01 t x m
Accommodation 12 passengers
All details are given in good faith and are believed to be accurate but no warranty of accuracy or completeness or suitability for purpose is either stated or implied. Prices are subject to change without notice.
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